
Nursing Students Focus on Mental Health

Nov 16, 2023

Members of the Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society put a focus on mental health for their fellow nursing students. They put on a special event on November 13 where students in the nursing program could visit a variety of stations and learn about mental health topics and study tips.

“Mental health is huge,” says Level II Nursing Student Jen Cox. “Everybody everywhere focuses on mental health and nursing is no exception. We are the next generation of nursing students to be LPNs and RNs. We’re helping them become better with their mental health and to become the future nurses of America.”

Level II student Tayllor Hall says they wanted to leverage their own experiences in the program to help current Level I students. “We wanted to come up with a way to help them with studying and just be the best they can be.”

That message was not lost on Level I student Lawana Dorsey. “It did help me learn how to study and find new ways to organize. When I go home, I can put what I learned today into effect for my next test and improve.”

Nolan Hillard is also a Level I student who entered the nursing program after earning a bachelor’s degree. He says one of the things that spoke to him during the event was attitude. “The mental health part of it is really just what your attitude is towards the program. What you want to put into it is what you’re going to get out of it. As long as you believe that you can do it, then you can do it.”

Cox says the goal of the day was for students to realize that they’re not alone and there are resources available to help them be prepared to succeed in the nursing program.