
Business Students Learn About Big Things

Nov 13, 2023

Lincoln Trail College business students had the opportunity to learn about a venture that’s made the Guinness Book of World Records and another that’s headed by an LTC alumnus. The students took separate trips that took them to visit Casey, Ill. to learn about their Big Things in a Small Town and to The Woods Event Center located between Robinson and Oblong.
Amie Mayhall took the students on the trips. In Casey, the students got the opportunity to hear from Big Things in a Small Town creator Jim Bolin, entrepreneurs Maurah and Drew Bolin, and Economic Development Director Bailey Tait. Jim Bolin talked about the economic impact of the work while the other Bolins spoke about their entrepreneurship journey and social media marketing. Tait shared her experiences in her position and as a real estate agent. 
“I have a lot of pride in my small hometown,” said Mayhall. “I wanted to share some of the amazing things that have helped bring the town back to life. I hope the students enjoyed seeing this and hearing how some of the same concepts we study in the classroom come to life and learning about the successes and challenges along the way.”
Mayhall says one of the things she focuses on as an educator is experiential learning. “You can memorize all of the concepts in a book, but if you have no idea of how they are applied it is essentially useless. I work to provide opportunities for students to get out of their seats and see what business looks like outside of our walls.”
Koert Mehler (’16) founded The Woods Event Center located near the Crawford County Forest Preserve with his wife Sarah in 2021. Mayhall says she loves it when Koert talks with students.
“Because he is an alumnus, it makes their journey and dreams seem more achievable. He is so down to earth and shares the struggles along with way as well as his successes.”
She says he talked about the importance of research before putting money into a project.
Mayhall says whenever she takes trips like this, she always invites students from all of her business classes. Altogether, 22 students experienced the two trips.
“I am blessed to have an amazing group of students who wants to learn everything they can and embarks on these journeys outside of class time to learn with me!”